S.O.A.R – Model Matching



Do you still see default models when you connect to the VATSIM network? If so, it’s likely because you haven’t installed model matching. This week on S.O.A.R we will cover model matching

Model Matching in VATSIM pilot clients ensures that all aircraft look consistent for everyone involved in the simulation. It works by comparing the data from the VATSIM network with the aircraft models you have stored on your computer.

Here’s how it works: Your pilot client checks where you’ve installed aircraft models on your computer and notes down information about each one. Then, it compares this information with a database of known models to find the best match. If it can’t find a match, it just uses your default aircraft model.

You have the power to finely tune model matching by adjusting VMR files instead of relying solely on the known model database. VMR files allow users to customize matching settings, especially helpful for models lacking proper ICAO or airline codes. Learn how to set this up at vats.im/vpilot-docs.

Here’s how you can install Model Matching for your simulator:

  1. Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) – FS Live Traffic Liveries (FSLTL) – this is a freeware standalone package for VATSIM model-matching which is user-friendly. Installation is done through the FlyByWire installer by clicking on the Radar icon in the left side of the menu. Downloading the FSLTL Traffic Base Models should be sufficient if your only use is model-matching.

    After installing the Base Models, open vPilot, go to Settings, expand the Model Matching (MSFS) option, click on Custom Rules and then click on Add Custom Rule Set(s). A window should open up. Navigate to your Community folder and ‘fsltl-traffic-base’ folder and double-click on the FSLTL_Rules.vmr file to load it in vPilot. You’re all set!
  2. X-Plane 12/11 – Model Matching can be downloaded and configured through the xPilot client. xPilot will prompt you to download aircraft models (CSLs) if it detects that the models are missing. You can manually trigger this by typing .downloadcsl in the xPilot chat-box.
  3. Prepar3D v4/v5 –  Alpha India Group (AIG) is a freeware model-matching package available for P3D v4 & v5. More details on how to install and download, Visit: vats.im/aig-p3d