S.O.A.R – Supervisor



VATSIM supervisors are volunteers who oversee and ensure the smooth operation on the network. They monitor controller & pilot activities, enforce rules, assist VATSIM members, handle disputes, and contribute to maintaining a high level of professionalism and realism within VATSIM.

To reach a VATSIM Supervisor, type ‘.wallop’ in the chat box of your pilot or controller client. However, avoid just using ‘.wallop’ without explaining the problem. Don’t use phrases like “help me” or “Kick ABC123.” Instead, be specific about the issue, for instance, ‘.wallop EZY202 is causing disturbance on frequency 132.100.’ Supervisors will respond when available.

Recently, VATSIM Supervisors have observed an increasing number of members disconnecting or not responding when contacted. Disconnecting after receiving a message from a Supervisor doesn’t excuse any rule-breaking. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  • As per VATSIM Code of Conduct A15, “Account holders shall respond to messages from, and comply with all instructions issued by VATSIM Administrators and/or VATSIM Supervisors.” 
  • If you receive any message/instructions by VATSIM Administrators and/or VATSIM Supervisor, Do respond promptly.

VATSIM Supervisors handle more than just disciplinary matters. They also assist members facing controllers or pilot client issues, address queries and offer support for VATSIM-related issues.

If the supervisors aren’t around to help, you can use the VATSIM Support ticket system. Open a ticket under “Network Supervisor/Incident Report” and explain your issue with evidence (screenshots/video). If you disagree with how a supervisor handled things or have questions, open a ticket in the VATSIM Support system under “Network Supervisor/Supervisor Feedback.